
Saturday, March 20, 2010


I found my ob/gyn via the Internet and at those "rate a doc" sites. She's been great so far. My first appt. was scheduled for Thursday, February 11. But of course, we got another round of snow Tuesday-Wednesday so I was rescheduled for the following Friday, Feb. 19. If you know me, patience is definitely not my strong point. It was an agonizing wait. Little did I know that this whole process would involve a lot of patience and waiting.

The day came for my first appt. Hooray! I thought, now I can definitely confirm my pregnancy. Yes, even after 10 positive tests, I still had my doubts. I arrive at a nice looking office filled with women bearing round bellies. This is so surreal. The nurse takes me in, performs all the preliminary/usual checks. I proceed to ask her if there would be a blood test to confirm my state. She says no, not this first time. Aww man. I have to wait until the next time?

She leads me into the exam room and moments later my ob/gyn - Dr. S, walks in. Lovely woman, probably only a few years older than I was. She gives me the 411 on prenatal care, the dos and don'ts, what to expect, etc. But here's the thing, in the 2 weeks since I learned that I was pregnant, I had already surfed the Internet for all the info. and I had already became a member of a pregnancy message board. I already knew my due date (October 13), I was already taking OTC prenatal vitamins, I was already avoiding certain foods and abstaining from you know what.

I of course immediately ask her if I can have my blood tested. Dr. S probably got scared by the crazy look in my eyes because she was willing to give me the blood test. During the "exam" Dr. S tells me that I am definitely pregnant based on the expanding size of my uterus. (Side note: the uterus is one of those body parts that we females really never think about. We spend time on our boobs, our face, our feet, even our toes, but never the uterus. Pregnancy gives you a newfound respect for the mighty uterus.).

Afterwards, Dr. S asks me if I still wanted a blood test. I was like "Well I am worried about that whole chemical pregnancy deal" so I just want to make sure that I am in fact pregnant. Dr. S tells me that the blood test would still detect that I am pregnant even if there was only a chemical pregnancy since the levels of HCG would still be present. (Google "chemical pregnancy" and "HCG" if necessary). I decided at that point to conserve my blood for later. I've seen those massive tubes of blood that expecting mothers are forced to shell out.

I call AT and tell him that we are definitely pregnant. "Woohoo" he shouts on the phone, "I already knew we're having a baby, I was just waiting for you to believe it." Smarta$$.

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