
Saturday, March 27, 2010


So we found out a few days ago that a close friend is also expecting! We're so excited for her and her husband. Ever since I learned that I was pregnant, I've been urging her to get pregnant too. The more the merrier I guess. I didn't expect for my powers of persuasion to work that well, but it did. She is due on/around November 25. Congrats to her and her H!

It's definitely that time in your life that everyone around you is either getting married or having babies. I have another friend who is expecting this August and 4 coworkers/wives who are pregnant. I commented to my cousin the other day that that's what our late 20s and 30s are all about - getting married and having babies. Which are much more fun and exciting than when we hit our 60s-70s, at which time it'll be all about illnesses and funerals. What a depressing thought.

1 comment:

  1. "I commented to my cousin the other day that that's what our late 20s and 30s are all about - getting married and having babies"

    No thanks
